Sunday, April 18, 2010


Interviewer: Hello Con spirito, how do you do?
Con spirito: I'm doing quite well, thank you!

Interviewer: I'm sure most people would like to know about you, so please brief us...
Con spirito: Well, I'm basically a group of 11 singers from very diverse walks of life, but who have one goal in mind, to spread the Gospel through music. I was born in the month of February 2008. I was named a bit later after that. The group sings acapella as well as accompanied pieces. The group sings a wide range of songs ranging from classical to contemporary!

Interviewer: Well, I'm no music guru, but I'm sure I've heard your name mentioned somewhere in the music world... Did u steal your name from someone???
Con spirito: Hahaha, not really... Let me clarify, Con spirito is a musical term. It is italian, and it translates to 'With Spirit', it usually appears on sheet music (papers on which musical notations are written) to indicate that the music should be played with spirit. In this case, it means the singers spread the Gospel through music with spirit.

Interviewer: How do your guys practice?
Con spirito: Well, they usually meet on Sunday around 3 or 4 pm at KK Nagar at Francis' place (Francis shall be given a formal introduction in future posts, so will the other members of the con spirito). The practice session takes about 2 hours, with a 10 minute break for some nice tea and snacks provided by the hosts! The practice is mainly using a keyboard which is played by Benny (who'll also be introduced in future posts).

Interviewer: Has the group sang lately?
Con spirito: Yes, the group has sang at three different places recently, but more notably for the third time, the group was invited to St. Matthew's Church in Porur to participate in Calvary Canticles 2010. It was quite a successful performance.

Interviewer: Yes I heard about that? What is that I heard about the group being international?
Con Spirito: Well, hahaha, I've to agree, my group is international, in the sense of the scope of the songs it sings. My guys sing English, Tamil and also Swahili (An Eastern African Language, spoken dominantly in Tanzania) songs. This is a treat to many, because they get to hear different melodies and get to see foreigners (who shall be introduced later), sing in their language!

Interviewer: I'm curious though? Why did you finally decide to join the www?
Con Spirito: Well, I've grown, and I think it's high time the world knows about me, don't you think so?

Interviewer: I certainly agree! I can't wait. When are the guys singing next?
Con Spirito: Well, two of my members are getting married soon. We shall be singing to congratulate them. It promises to be amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Good work Terry. At least u have taken the efforts of starting a blog on behalf of the Con Spiritos. Please continue with the good work whether u r in India or Tanzania. Btw, we already have our an existing email ID and i think we can make use of that as well. its
